God wants the best for you. And he will never let you down.
— Jaachị Anyatọnwụ
Glee greetings, dear reader. Happy Sunday!
I hope this musing finds you well and happy. I am writing to share some good news with you:
God wants the best for you
God has a plan and a purpose for our life. He loves us more than we can imagine. He is always with us, even when we don’t feel it. He always is working behind the scenes to bless us and make us a blessing to others.
But sometimes, we forget this truth. We get distracted by the challenges and troubles of this world. We lose sight of the bigger picture and the eternal perspective. We start to doubt God’s promises, goodness and faithfulness. We feel alone, depressed, overwhelmed, and hopeless.
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That’s why I want to remind you today that God wants the best for you. He is not angry with you because of that sin you committed or disappointed in you for yeilding to that temptation.
God is not punishing you or testing you. He is not withholding anything good from you or limiting your potential. God is not asking you to do anything impossible or unreasonable.
He is simply asking you to trust him and follow him. All you need to do is to listen to his voice and obey his commands. Seek his kingdom and his righteousness and all ypu desire, according to His divine will for you, shall be granted you.
God wants you to genuinely love Him and love others so that His love shall be shed abroad in your life. He wants you to walk by faith and not by sight. He wants you to give Him the glory at all times and to praise Him both in mountain and valley moments.
When you do these things, you will experience His peace and joy. You will see God’s power and grace evident in your life. You will discover His gifts and talents and utilize them for His glory.
Obey His word and you will enjoy His presence and favour. You will also receive His promises and rewards.
So, don’t let the enemy deceive you or discourage you. Don’t let the world distract you or derail you. Most importantly, don’t let the flesh tempt you or trap you, neither should you let your fears stop you or paralyze you from marching forward.
Instead, let God lead you and guide you like He lead the Israelis through the wildernesses to the promised land.
Sad and weak? Let God comfort you and strengthen you. Just trust Him
Hurting and left behind? Let God heal you and restore you. Just believe as you ask for His guidance.
Feeling vulnerable and in lack? Let God protect you and provide for you. He promised to.
Are you disillusioned and feeling worn-out? Let God inspire you and empower you. Let His joy be your strength, and His the light of His word shall knock out the shadows that fear casts on your mind’s eye.
Trust God to transform you and use you for His purpose.
Always remember, God wants the best for you. And he will never let you down. Never ever.
Thanks for reading today’s newsletter. I hope you are pumped up with the reminder that God loves you.
Until next time, stay sane and faith-filled.
With ❤️
Jaachị Anyatọnwụ
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