Hi there. I hope this musing finds you well and inspired. I want to share with you a personal story that I hope will encourage you to pursue your dreams and overcome your doubts as a writer.
How I Became a Better Writer
I have always loved writing since I was a young boy. I used to write stories, songs, poems, and draw people and things. I had a vivid imagination and a passion for expressing myself.
But as I grew older, I faced many challenges and obstacles that made me doubt my abilities and potential. In high school, I was shy and insecure. I felt like I didn’t fit in and that my writing was not good enough. I stopped sharing my work with others and kept it to myself.
A few years ago, while working as a graphic designer, I had a colleague who mocked me for wanting to be a writer. He said that writers are poor and never make it writing alone. He said this in front of everyone and made me feel humiliated and angry. That night, I went home and wrote a very emotional poem about how I felt. I poured out my frustration and pain on the paper.
But I didn’t publish it. I didn’t publish anything for a long time. I gave up on writing. I believed that I was not good enough and that I would never succeed. I let doubt win, and I let others define me.
How I Rediscovered My Voice
One day, I felt a strong urge to write again. I had a lot of things to say, and I wanted to share them with the world. I started writing in my notebook, just for myself. I wrote about my experiences, my feelings, and my dreams. I wrote a poem called ‘Diary Of A Broken Poet‘ and another one called ‘Haunted By My Past’. These poems were very personal and honest. They were my way of healing and coping.
I decided to send them to a radio presenter who was looking for new poets to feature on his show in Port Harcourt. I didn’t expect much, but I hoped that someone would listen and appreciate my work.
To my surprise, he loved my poems and read them on air. He praised my style and my message. He said that I had a unique voice and a powerful story. He invited me to be a guest on his show and to talk more about my writing.
I was overjoyed and overwhelmed. I couldn’t believe that my poems had touched so many people. I received a lot of positive feedback and support from the listeners. Many of them said that they could relate to my poems and that they inspired them to write their own. Some of them even asked me to read my poems again and again.
I realised then that I had something valuable to offer. I realised that I was a writer and a poet. I realised that I could succeed and make a difference with my writing. I realised that I could be myself and be proud of it.
How You Can Do It Too
I’m telling you this story not to brag or boast, but to inspire and motivate. I want you to know that you can do anything you set your mind to. You can achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams. You can overcome your doubts and your fears. You can be the best version of yourself.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are. Don’t let anyone stop you from expressing yourself and sharing your gifts with the world.
You have a unique voice and a powerful story. You have something valuable to offer. You have something that no one else has. You have yourself.
You know these are true because you know your best work is still to come. You know that you have more to give and more to learn. You know that you have more to write and more to say.
So don’t give up. Don’t stop writing. Don’t stop creating. Don’t stop being you.
Thank you for reading this newsletter. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful. And if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you.
Until next time, stay sane and keep writing and shining.
With ❤️
Jaachị Anyatọnwụ
PS: What I shared today is an excerpt from my book, “Scriptophobia: Dealing With The Fear Of Writing.” Need a copy? Click here.