November Joy 28: How to Be Happy in a Crazy World

I know life can be crazy sometimes, and we all have our ups and downs. But I want to share with you a quote that has helped me stay happy no matter what.

Hey, there! Glee greetings.

How are you doing today? I hope you are feeling awesome and ready to rock your day. I know life can be crazy sometimes, and we all have our ups and downs. But I want to share with you a quote that has helped me stay happy no matter what. It is from Denis Waitley, a super cool guy who knows a lot about happiness and success. He said:

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

Isn’t that amazing?

It means that happiness is not something that we can get from outside, but something that we can create from inside.

  • Happiness is not about what we have, but about how we live.
  • Happiness is not a goal, but a habit.
  • Happiness is not a thing, but a feeling.

Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy by living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

Love is the power that makes us feel alive, connected, and inspired. Grace is the magic that makes us accept ourselves, forgive others, and trust the universe. Gratitude is the key that makes us appreciate what we have, give what we can, and receive what we need.

Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy by living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

This is not always easy, especially when we face challenges, problems, or losses. But it is always possible, because happiness is not a result but a process. Happiness is not a mood, but a practise. Happiness is not a state, but a skill.

Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy by living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

This is not only good for ourselves but also for others. When we are happy, we spread positive vibes, we inspire hope, and we share joy. When we are happy, we make the world a better place.

Happiness is a choice. We can choose to be happy by living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

This is the spiritual experience that Denis Waitley was talking about. This is the spiritual experience that I want to share with you. This is the spiritual experience that I hope for you and for me.

Happiness is a choice. Let’s choose it together.

With ❤️

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

PS: I hope you enjoy this newsletter. If you want to learn more about Denis Waitley and his work, you can check out his website or read his books. Thank you for reading and have a happy day! 😊

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Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ is a poet, editor, and publisher living in the suburbs of Aba. He is the author of numerous poetry chapbooks and collections including 'Under the Sheets', 'Write Me A Poem', '30', 'Isms', 'Amina', and many others.

Articles: 210

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