Today I Release All That No Longer Serves Me

Why? Because we all lug around stuff—baggage, experiences, hurts, people, things, you name it—that weigh us down. And it's time to shed that weight and embrace freedom.

Glee greetings!

Did you miss me and my musings? Well, I sure missed writing to you. Life got a bit hectic last month, and I fell off my daily writing routine. But hey, it’s April Fool’s Day, and no, this isn’t a prank. Lol—I’m back and ready to put pen to pepper with Jaachị’s Daily Musing.

So, what’s the theme for this month, you ask? Drumroll, please… letting go!

Yup, we’re skiing into the art of releasing what no longer serves us. Why? Because we all lug around stuff—baggage, experiences, hurts, people, things, you name it—that weigh us down. And it’s time to shed that weight and embrace freedom.

Throughout April, I’ll be sharing daily affirmations to help you lighten the load. Think of it as your daily dose of mental decluttering and emotional detoxification. I’m talking about affirming your perfection and wholeness sans all that excess baggage. Trust me, it’s like a breath of fresh air for the soul—clearing the path for faster runs, smarter work, healthier living, and heartier laughs.

Ready for the first affirmation? Here it goes:

Day 1 Affirmation: Today, I release all that no longer serves me

Simple, yet powerful, right?

What no longer serves you could be:

  • That friend whom you’ve invested so much time, talent, and treasures in but doesn’t regard you as much. Let them go.
  • That hurt from past experiences that still cloud your mind, preventing you from moving forward mentally and emotionally. Let it go.
  • That habit or addiction that poses as a clog in your wheel of progress. Let it go.
  • That regret that slows you down whenever you are reminded of a certain mistake, bad choice, or terrible decision you made in the past. Let it go.

If there’s a mirror or reflective window close to you, look into you, stare yourself in the face and say these words again: “Today, I release all that no longer serves me.”

No mirror nearby? Turn on your phone camera, switch to selfie mode and say those words to yourself. Repeat it like a mantra, let it sink in, and feel the weight lift off your shoulders.

Let’s make April the month of liberation. I’ll be in your email again, tomorrow, with another dose of positivity. Until then, stay awesome and sane.

Happy new month!

With ❤️, Jaachị Ányátọnwụ

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Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ is a poet, editor, and publisher living in the suburbs of Aba. He is the author of numerous poetry chapbooks and collections including 'Under the Sheets', 'Write Me A Poem', '30', 'Isms', 'Amina', and many others.

Articles: 210

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