Could Phubbing Be Slowly Suffocating Your Relationship?

Phubbing, also known as "phone snubbing," refers to the modern phenomenon of giving more attention to one's smartphone than to real-life human interactions.

Phubbing, also known as “phone snubbing,” refers to the modern phenomenon of giving more attention to one’s smartphone than to real-life human interactions. Several studies have attempted to understand why people engage in phubbing, and one common agreement is that it negatively impacts familial, social, and romantic relationships, often due to excessive time spent doomscrolling.

Could phubbing be slowly suffocating your relationship?

You and your partner work tirelessly during the day, leaving little to no time for personal connection, small talk, or quality time together. You long to come home and share moments with them. However, upon arriving home, your partner’s focus is fixated on their phone screen, endlessly scrolling through social media feeds, completely disregarding your presence.

You try to initiate a conversation, but all you receive are absent-minded responses amid their continuous scrolling. This hurts, doesn’t it? You feel disconnected, unwanted, and invisible.

Regrettably, this scenario is all too common in familial, romantic, work, and social relationships today. Phubbing has become prevalent everywhere!

During breakfast and dinner, phubbing!

While taking a walk with your partner, phubbing!

At social gatherings and family get-togethers, phubbing!

In the kitchen, the bedroom, and the sitting room, phubbing!

Phubbing, phubbing, phubbing!

Here’s a radical suggestion: put your phones down and genuinely talk to each other, for once!

In your pursuit of transient virtual fantasies, don’t lose the sweetness of physical reality.

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Taking a stroll? Put down that phone! Appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. Notice that little boy’s smile. Respond to the elderly person’s greeting with sincerity (not just absent-mindedly nodding!). Did you see that bird? There’s a rose flower at the corner of your street that you’ve never noticed.

With your partner? Put down that phone! Engage in meaningful conversation. Look into their eyes. Truly listen to their words. Show genuine affection. Make them feel wanted, seen, cared for, and loved. Ask about their day and actively participate in the conversation. Step away from the virtual world; fleeting trends won’t build a happy home.

With family? Put down that phone! Play with the kids. Notice if your son seems withdrawn. Find out why your sister is unusually quiet. Pay attention to the wrinkles on dad’s once-joyous face. When was the last time you danced to mom’s soothing whistling? Put down that phone!

At work? Put down that phone! Focus on your job. Be productive. Forget about trends and gossip. Advance in your career. Interact with your colleagues. Be constructive.

Are you a freelancer? Put down that phone and get to work! Write those articles. Draft that letter. Complete that script. Solve those issues. Fine-tune that website. Step away from social media and get busy!

Believe me, there’s more satisfaction, true happiness, and lasting joy in living in the present moment. Just drop that phone!

Today’s Haiku

drop that phone jare!

i no write anyone today

drop that phone jare!

With ❤️,

Jaachị “dropped his phone” Anyatọnwụ

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Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ is a poet, editor, and publisher living in the suburbs of Aba. He is the author of numerous poetry chapbooks and collections including 'Under the Sheets', 'Write Me A Poem', '30', 'Isms', 'Amina', and many others.

Articles: 210

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