Today, I Am Free from the Chains of the Past

Instead of holding on to the chains of the past, break free today, and bask in the freedom of forgiveness, the joy of learning, and the excitement of new beginnings.
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I am free from the chains of the past.

Jaachi Anyatọnwụ

Glee greetings, dear reader!

Welcome to another serene Sunday morning as we take a gentle pause from the rat race to wealth. Let us utilise this pause to reflect, rejuvenate, and ruminate on today’s affirmation.

“I am free from the chains of the past.”

Today’s affirmation is a powerful reminder that each new day is an opportunity to break free from the weight of yesterday’s burdens and step into the lightness of being present in the now.

As you step into this new week, release the grip of old regrets, let go of the haunting echoes of past mistakes, and the lay off the heavy chains of resentment.

Instead of holding on to the chains of the past break free today, and bask in the freedom of forgiveness, the joy of learning, and the excitement of new beginnings.

It’s like a snake shedding layers of an old skin, revealing the raw beauty and resilience underneath. Each step away from the past testifies of your strength and courage to let go and embrace the unknown with open arms.

So, as you go about your day, remember that you are not defined by your past. You are a constantly evolving masterpiece, painting your own story on the canvas of life with each breath, each choice, each decision, and each moment of grace and self care, breaking free from the chains of the past and stepping boldly into the radiant possibilities of today.

Until I write you again, stay free and sane. Wishing you a peaceful and liberating Sunday ahead.

With ❤️
Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

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Jaachị Anyatọnwụ

Jaachị Anyatọnwụ is a poet, editor, and publisher living in the suburbs of Aba. He is the author of numerous poetry chapbooks and collections including 'Under the Sheets', 'Write Me A Poem', '30', 'Isms', 'Amina', and many others.

Articles: 202

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